Livestream: Angela Albi and Vivek Hari Sridhar: „Fish | Symmetry | Connection - Illustrating animal behaviour"
Di., 27. Apr.
|MaxCine YouTube-Kanal

Zeit & Ort
27. Apr. 2021, 19:00
MaxCine YouTube-Kanal
Über die Veranstaltung
The current focus of Angela Albi and Vivek Hari Sridhar’s research is the study of collective animal behavior. They often find themselves as creative spirits in science. While scribbling, drawing or simply connecting different words, research ideas come up. Based on the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” they invite you to a visual experiment. Send in a drawing of a scene that includes all three words from the title in the way you perceive them. They will be shown and discussed in the talk. This will show how personal experiences shape the way we observe, create and think about the same topic. Are you ready for some creative exchange?
Please send your drawing related to the three words to by 25th of April.
Click HERE to watch the recording of the talk.